With how often my kids say the most hilarious things, I've decided to post them here.
Mar 24th
Asael was crying & Cam asked "Asael, do you wanna breathe? It'll make you stop crying."
I was listening to the bible in the van & it said "lest I be struck dumb". Cameron asked why it said he was dumb. I tried explaining that in the bible when it says dumb it means that you can't talk. He said "I know what mom! Next time you want me to not talk, just tell me to be dumb!"
Cam: I wish I had 2 heads.
Me: Why?
Cam: So when I fix my hair I don't have to look in the mirror.
July 9th
Cam: Look mom! Someone in our family!
Me: Where?
Cam: (pointing to an elderly woman) Behind that lady that's about to go to Heaven!
July 20th
Asael: How come I'm wearing my ball game shorts?
Me: Cuz you're lucky
Asael: Nu-uh, I'm lucky & awesome & cool. I'm all that!
Sept. 10th
Me: Cameron, you need to take care of those scissors you were using.
Cam: Mom, I'll be a peacemaker and let you do it.
Sept. 14th
Asael had a toy pig wrapped in a fabric softener sheet singing "rock-it baby" (rock-a-bye baby). He accidentally dropped it & as he's picking it up & wrapping it back up says "poor little baby, you shouldn't fall down."
Sept. 22nd (more cute than funny)
Cameron: Grandma (Dorothy), Peter had lots of faith, so he could walk on water. I think I could walk on water, if I have faith.
Nov. 4th
Asael: Jacob did you get a hair cut?
Jacob: No.
Asael: Then why do you look like an army guy?
Nov. 7th
Cam: Mom, it would be soooo cool if the 'whole white world' was full of raisins, then the people could jump in it!